As a whole the guild didn’t do much as far as “raiding” goes this week. TK, Gruul, Mag all went untouched, but that was cool with me. Having a slower week every once in a while I think gives people a little bit of a needed break. We did clear SSC though and the big Vag died again. She dropped defender helm token x2 and I was lucky enough to pick one up. I also flew up to the new badge vendor this weekend, stood around for about an hour trying to work my way through all the lag and horde. Once I was able to finally get him targeted I picked up the badge belt which was a pretty nice upgrade for me.
I wasn’t able to gem my new items like I would have liked since the AH was bone dry, I guess from everyone buying their own badge upgrades, which is bull sh#t. People should realize I’m the most important person on my server and therefore should leave at least 2 of everything on the auction house should the chance arise I need something. Once I get a little bit of money I’ll go back and re-gem these so that they are utilized to their full potential.
Grats on your helm!
Usually guilds start doing MH while working on Kael, as the reward/effort ratio for MH is much higher. Isn't your guild doing that, too?
By the way, seems to me that you're no longer dying from loot thirst :-)
Yeah im having an awesome streak of luck now for loot =)
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